
Recorded talks



  • Ford, M. B. (in press). Social support. In: S. Elder (Ed.) Relationships: Routledge Encyclopedia of Real World Psychology.  Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group.
  • Multiple Authors. Sparacio, A….. Ford, M. B., …& Jiga-Boy, G. M. (2024). A large, multi-site test of self-administered mindfulness among English speakers.  Nature Human Behavior.
  • Ford, M.B. (2023). Implicit theories shape wellbeing in the face of social-evaluative threat. Frontiers in Psychology, 14, 11505721.  doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2023.1105721
  • Ford, M.B. (2021). Social Distancing during the Covid-19 Pandemic as a Predictor of Daily Psychological, Social, and Health-related Outcomes. Journal of General Psychology, 148, 249-271.
  • Multiple Authors.  Ebersole, C. R., …Ford, M., … Nosek, B. A. (2020). Many Labs 5: Testing pre-data collection peer review as an intervention to increase replicability. Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science, 3, 309-331.
  • Lazarević, L. B., Purić, D., Žeželj, I., Belopavlović, R., Bodroža, B., Čolić, M. V., Ebersole, C. R., Ford, M., Orlić, A., Pedović, I., Petrović, B., Shabazian, A., & Stojilović, D. (2020). Many Labs 5: Registered Replication Report of LoBue & DeLoache (2008). Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science, 3, 377-386.
  • Bargagliotti, A., Binder, W., Blakesley, L., Eusufzai, Z., Fitzpatrick, B., Ford, M., Huchting, K., Larson, S., Miric, N., Rovetti, R., Seal, K., & Zachariah, T. (2020).  Undergraduate learning outcomes for achieving data acumen.  Journal of Statistics Education, 28, 197-211.doi:10.1080/10691898.2020.1776653
  • Ford, M. B.  (2017). A nuanced view of the benefits of mindfulness: Self-esteem as a moderator of the effects of mindfulness on responses to social rejection. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 36, 739-767.
  • Ford, M. B. & Collins, N. L.  (2015). Self-models and relationship threat:  A test of risk regulation mechanisms.  Sage Open, 5, 1-9.
  • Ford, M. B. & Collins, N. L.  (2013). Self-esteem moderates the effects of daily rejection on health and wellbeing.  Self and Identity, 12, 16-38.
  • Ford, M. B., Burns, C. E.*, Mitch, N.*, & Gomez, M. M*. (2012). The effectiveness of classroom capture technology.  Active Learning in Higher Education, 13, 191-201.
  • Collins N. L., Ford, M. B., & Feeney, B. C. (2011).  An attachment-theory perspective on social support in close relationships. In L. Horowitz & S. Strack (Eds.), Handbook of interpersonal psychology:  Theory, research, assessment, and therapeutic interventions (pp. 209-232).  Hoboken, NJ:  John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 
  • Collins, N. L. & Ford, M.B. (2010). Responding to the needs of others: The caregiving behavioral system in intimate relationships.  Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 27, 235-244.
  • Ford, M.B. & Collins N. L. (2010). Self-esteem moderates neuroendocrine and psychological responses to interpersonal rejection.   Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 98, 405-419.
  • Collins, N. L., Ford, M.B., Guichard, A.C., Kane, H.S., & Feeney, B.C. (2009). Responding to need in intimate relationships:  Social support and caregiving processes in couples.  In M. Mikulincer & P. R. Shaver (Eds.), Prosocial motives, emotions, and behavior:  The better angels of our nature (pp. 367-389).Washington DC: American Psychological Association.
  • Kane, H.S., Jaremka, L.M., Guichard, A.C., Ford, M.B., Collins, N.L., Feeney, B.C.  (2007). Feeling supported and feeling satisfied:  How one’s partner’s attachment style predicts the other partner’s relationship experiences.  Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 24, 535-555.
  • Collins, N.L, Ford, M.B., & Guichard, A. C. (2006).  Working models of attachment and attribution processes in intimate relationships. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin,32, 201-219.
  • Collins, N.L., Guichard, A.C., & Ford, M.B., & Feeney, B. C. (2006). Responding to need in intimate relationships: Normative processes and individual differences. In M. Mikulincer & G. Goodman (Eds.), Dynamics of romantic love: Attachment, caregiving, and sex. (pp. 149-189). New York: Guilford Press. 
  • Collins, N.L., Guichard A.C., Ford, M.B., & Feeney B.C. (2004).  Working models of attachment:  New developments and emerging themes.  In W.S. Rholes & J.A. Simpson (Eds.), Adult Attachment: Theory, Research and Clinical Implications (pp. 196-239).  New York: Guilford.  
  • Plante, T.G., Coscarelli, L., & Ford, M.B. (2001).  Does exercising with another enhance the stress reducing benefits of exercise? International Journal of Stress Management, 3, 201-213. 
  • Plante, T.G., & Ford, M.B. (2000).  The association between cardiovascular stress responsivity and perceived stress among subjects with irritable bowel syndrome and temporomandibular joint disorder: A preliminary analysis.  International Journal of Stress Management, 2, 103-119.
  • Collins, N.L, Ford, M.B., & Guichard, A. C. (2006).  Working models of attachment and attribution processes in intimate relationships. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 32, 201-219.
  • Collins, N.L., Guichard, A.C., & Ford, M.B., & Feeney, B. C. (2006). Responding to need in intimate relationships: Normative processes and individual differences. In M. Mikulincer & G. Goodman (Eds.), Dynamics of romantic love: Attachment, caregiving, and sex. (pp. 149-189). New York: Guilford Press
  • Collins, N.L., Guichard A.C., Ford, M.B., & Feeney B.C. (2004).  Working models of attachment:  New developments and emerging themes.  In W.S. Rholes & J.A. Simpson (Eds.), Adult Attachment: Theory, Research and Clinical Implications (pp. 196-239).  New York: Guilford.  
  • Plante, T.G., Coscarelli, L., & Ford, M.B. (2001).  Does exercising with another enhance the stress reducing benefits of exercise? International Journal of Stress Management, 3, 201-213.
  • Plante, T.G., & Ford, M.B. (2000).  The association between cardiovascular stress responsivity and perceived stress among subjects with irritable bowel syndrome and temporomandibular joint disorder: A preliminary analysis.  International Journal of Stress Management, 2, 103-119.

